*Registration is CLOSED!*
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 5:00 AM - 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM until sunset.
This hunt is open to ALL Henry County veterans who have been honorably discharged, active duty, and reservists.
Step 1: Applications can be found on hcwa.com website or may be picked up at Walnut Creek WRF, 1682 N. Ola Rd., McDonough GA. 30252 in person on Monday – Friday between 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM starting Monday, August 5, 2024.
Step 2: Fill out an application. Information provided will serve as contact information about the hunt so please print neatly and use accurate information. Make a copy of your driver’s license or water bill as proof of Henry Co. residency. Also, a copy of your DD 214 or active military ID is required.
Step 3: Return the application with proof of qualifications by email to shelley.boggess@hcwa.com.
You may also bring applications to Walnut Creek WRF, 1682 N. Ola Rd., McDonough GA. 30252 in person with proof of qualifications during the following dates/times ONLY!
Registration Window: Monday, August 5th – Thursday, September 26th 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
No applications will be received after Thursday, September 26th, at 4:00 PM.
*Click here to download the application*
Drawing will be held at Walnut Creek WRF, 1682 N. Ola Rd., McDonough GA. 30252 on Friday, September 27th at 9:00 AM.
Important information for those applicants who are drawn for the hunt:
1. It is mandatory that all applicants who are drawn for the hunt attend an orientation meeting at Walnut Creek LAS, 570 River Rd., McDonough GA. 30252 on Friday, November 15th, at 6:00 PM.
2. All applicants who are drawn for the hunt are responsible for providing their own hunting materials (orange hunting vest, shotgun, ammunition, hunting stool, etc.). HCWA staff will transport hunters to and from their hunting locations.
3. You will be notified by email and/or phone that you have been chosen for the hunt. We will also pick 10 alternates to fill a position of someone who for some reason can’t participate in the hunt. Those alternates will also be notified that they have been chosen as alternates. If you are chosen for the hunt and for some reason can’t participate, please let us know ASAP.
Regulations for Deer Hunting
- Hunters are responsible to insure that they have the proper license; all State laws and license are enforced and required.
- Hunters must use personal state issued deer tags.
- Walnut Creek Veterans hunt will be shotgun only, using only buckshot ammunition. No slugs.
- All shotguns are to be cased when not in blind.
- Only deer may be harvested. Bag limits will be discussed at orientation.
- Hunters must use personal state issued deer tags.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Authority property.
- Hunters must remain in designated area for duration of hunt. HCWA staff will escort hunters in and out of hunting area.
- All hunters are required to have a working cell phone.
- All hunters are required to wear 500 sq. inches of orange above the waist at all times.
- All hunting locations are assigned by lottery and hunters will be taken to and picked up from their hunting locations by HCWA staff.
- Only Ground blinds will be allowed for this hunt. Blinds will be provided and set up by HCWA staff prior to hunt.
- All deer must be brought to the check station before field dressed by the hunter.
- NO tracking of deer will be allowed without accompany of HCWA staff member.
- Any hunter who violates state law or special regulations set forth by the Henry County Water Authority is subject to losing their hunting privileges on Authority property, which will result in forfeiture of the hunt.
- By signing the waiver, I hereby grant HCWA and their representative’s permission to take and publish photographs of me at this event.
- All trash/liter must be self-contained and disposed of properly.
The Henry County Water Authority is not responsible or liable for loss, theft, damage or destruction of any person’s personal property.
By signing the waiver, I hereby grant HCWA and their representative's permission to take and publish photographs of me at this event.
Be advised that under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering our premises. If such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering HCWA premises.
HCWA reserves the right to cancel/revise this event at any time.