Asistencia Financiera
Connecting Henry
HCWA sabe que el agua es vital para nuestra vida cotidiana, y por eso nos asociamos con una organización local sin fines de lucro, Conectando a Henry, para administrar los fondos recogidos a través de nuestro programa de asistencia caritativa. Si usted, o alguien que conoce, necesita ayuda financiera para pagar su factura de agua, por favor póngase en contacto con una de las organizaciones abajo para obtener ayuda:
Teléfono: 770-274-3642
Samaritans Together
Su misión es proporcionar asistencia financiera a los residentes del condado de Henry en una crisis financiera. Se presta servicios a una población para incluir a los desempleados, subempleados, ancianos y a los que viven con ingresos limitados debido a la discapacidad. Pagan cuentas eléctricas, de gas y de agua, pagan fondos para obtener propano y ayudar con pagos de alquiler y hipotecas anteriores.
Teléfono: 404-590-7735
Hope Atlanta
Prestar asistencia, recursos y promoción individualizados a las personas que experimentan (o que corren el riesgo de experimentar) falta de vivienda y hambre en 28 condados de Georgia con recursos especiales para los veteranos y sus familias.
Teléfono: 404-817-7070
People Help Exchange
Respondiendo a las necesidades de la comunidad mediante distribuciones de alimentos y servicios de apoyo para los hogares que están atrasados en sus servicios de utilidad, alquiler o hipoteca.
Teléfono: 678-814-4144
Financial Assistance
Connecting Henry
HCWA knows that water is vital to our daily lives, and that’s why we partner with a local non-profit organization, Connecting Henry, to administer the funds collected through our charitable assistance program. If you, or someone you know, needs financial assistance to pay your water bill, please contact one of the organizations below for help:
Phone: 770-274-3642
Samaritans Together
Their mission is to provide financial assistance to Henry County residents in a financial crisis. They serve a population to include the unemployed, underemployed, elderly, and those living on a limited income due to disability. They pay past-due electric, gas, and water bills; provide funds to obtain propane, and help with past-due rent and mortgage payments.
Phone: 404-590-7735
Hope Atlanta
Providing individualized assistance, resources, and advocacy for people experiencing (or at risk of experiencing) homelessness and hunger across 28 Georgia counties with special resources for veterans and their families.
Phone: 404-817-7070
People Help Exchange
Responding to the needs of the community through food distributions and supportive services for households that are behind on their utilities, rent, or mortgage.
Phone: 678-814-4144
Special Payment Arrangement
If your family is experiencing financial hardship, Henry County Water Authority (HCWA) would like to offer you a Special Payment Arrangement (SPA) option. To be considered, please complete and submit our request form here.
Requests are subject to approval by HCWA before the agreement goes into effect. Information can be submitted electronically via the form, or downloaded and mailed (mail-in form link) to the HCWA address, Attention: Customer Service Department.
Note: Submission of this request will not prevent disconnection of service.
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