What is a Source Water Assessment Plan (SWAP)?
The 1996 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) brought about new pollution prevention and protection measures to help ensure clean and safe drinking water by assessing potential contamination and promoting protection of States’ drinking water sources. These amendments direct states to enact Source Water Protection Programs (SWPP) to protect their drinking water sources from contamination.
The Metro North Georgia Water Planning District developed a SWAP for each surface water withdrawal location within the region by performing the following tasks:
1. Delineate the watershed area for each public drinking water source.
2. Conduct an inventory of potential sources of contamination within that watershed.
3. Determine the susceptibility of the water supply to contamination within the watershed assessment area.
4. Provide the assessment results to the public water system jurisdiction for the development of local SWPPs.
Click link below for the Henry County Water Authority SWAP report.